Frequently Asked Questions

How do I apply for a garden plot?

To obtain a garden plot you first need to become a member of COGS. Information on joining COGS can be found here:  Join COGS – Canberra Organic Growers Society

Before joining you may wish to contact the Convenor of your nearest COGS Garden and arrange a visit to see if organic gardening is something for you. About COGS – Canberra Organic Growers Society  Note all COGS gardens typically have a waitlist – information is included on our website (updated quarterly) and the Convenor would have the latest information.

How long do I need to wait for a garden plot?

Waiting times vary from garden to garden. Suggest you contact the Convenor at your nearest COGS garden for the latest information on wait times.

How much does it cost for a garden plot?

You have to be a member of COGS before obtaining garden plot (Join COGS – Canberra Organic Growers Society). Annual membership costs $10 (Concession) and $15 (Full). The membership year goes from 1 September to 31 August. There is no pro-rata fees for members joining part way through a year.

The current rate for a plot is $4.20 per square metre. For example, a 20sqm plot would cost $84 for a full year (1 Sept-31 Aug). There are pro-rata plot fees for people obtaining a plot part way through the year. For example, some getting a 20sqm plot on 1 March would get a 50% discount and pay $42 for the plot up to 31 August that year.

How do I start a new community garden?

Information on starting a community garden can be found on the COGS website here: COGS_EstablishingCommunityGarden_2021.pdf  and on the ACT Government’s website here: Community Garden Grants – Climate Choices (

Wait list

Each of the gardens typically has a waitlist.

To put your name down on the waitlist for a plot you must first become a member of COGS. Most turnover of plots occurs around August/September each year coinciding with the annual membership renewal process. However, the waitlist can fluctuate and plots can become available during the year.

You can contact the convenor at each garden to get the latest waitlist information (updated quarterly) and to arrange a visit to the garden to see if you would like to become a member

Would COGS like to host a stall/info booth at an event

COGS is happy to consider requests on a case by case basis. It should be noted that COGS has very few vacant plots and waiting lists of up to a year in some gardens.

Wanting to drop kitchen scraps off at a  local COGS garden for composting

Mitchell has a drop off bin outside the front gate, but most gardens are not set up to take kitchen scraps. 

For Inner North residents Capital Scraps provides a kerbside collection service.  See their website at

Sharewaste is one option for helping you to find someone in your neighbourhood who is  willing to accept extra scraps and compost it or feed it to their worms or animals. You can join from this link

Would like to donate garden materials (plants ,stakes etc) to a COGS garden

Suggest you contact the Convenor at your nearest COGS garden. About COGS – Canberra Organic Growers Society

Seeking someone to prune fruit trees (seasonal)

Suggest you ask your local plant nursery for advice.

Local community group eg school would like to visit, run an activity

Suggest you contact the Convenor at your nearest COGS garden. About COGS – Canberra Organic Growers Society

Wanting to advertise or to to publish a research or other article

Refer to

Publicity requests

Refer to