Are you a Canberra gardener?

Our gardeners hold a wealth of information about growing edible produce in the Canberra region. While the COGS website contains growing guides to a reasonably wide range of fruit and vegetables, the varieties of crops grown in the district is vast and expanding in line with our multi-cultural population and changing methods.

Please help COGS provide the latest information by sharing your experience and expertise. You are invited to send updated (or additional) information for an existing growing guide, or help us to create a new growing guide for a variety not already covered.

Because COGS is a Canberra based organisation, please only provide information relevant to this area.

    Your name

    This information can be kept private by request

    Your email address

    Required only for confirmation and for queries regarding your input

    Where do you garden?

    Existing growing guide OR new growing guide?

    Select an existing growing guide


    Enter the name of a new growing guide:

    Plant background information:

    Provide information about the plant, your history growing the plant or nutritional profile

    Growing notes:

    Months/seasons to sow or transplant

    Months/seasons to harvest

    Site and soil requirements, planting tips, cultivation and harvesting information


    Can you provide a photo?

    If you have any problems submitting this form, the information can be provided via email to or