The COGS Executive Committee is seeking someone to take on the role of Editor of our quarterly magazine, Canberra Organic. This role would suit someone who has a keen interest in editing, publications or media. It involves a time …

COGS Magazine Editor Role

The Website is Changing
COGS is changing the way the website delivers its content. Members will notice some of the following changes occuring on the website, making information easier to use and removing the …

Brew your own liquid fertiliser
Article and Photos: Ed Highley (Canberra Organic – Spring 2023) For a few years now, I’ve had good results using a ‘solution’ of the organic fertiliser and soil conditioner ‘Dynamic …

Phoenix rising
A tale of renewal after Canberra’s bushfires Article: (Canberra Organic – Autumn 2023) After one our wettest years on record in 2022, it is hard to fathom the events that …

From Bush To Bounty : Cook Garden
Download the PDF here.

The Leaf Collective
The Leaf Collective The Leaf Collective is a six week program being trialled in suburbs near Lake Tuggeranong until 20th March. The Leaf Collective is bringing ACT residents together to …

Building a Hugelkultur Bed
Article: Haydn Burgess (Canberra Organic – Summer 2012) What is hugelkultur? Hugelkultur (pronounced ‘hoogle culture’) is a gardening technique whereby woody debris is used to build raised garden beds. Hugelkultur …

Artichoke Tea
Article and Photos: Dr Van Kien Nguyen (Canberra Organic – Summer 2021) My family has enjoyed artichoke tea for years. Each year we would buy artichoke tea from Dat Lat …

Micromanaging: My adventure in indoor gardening
Growing Microgreens Article and Photos: Cathy Morison (Canberra Organic – Summer 2019 [Part I] Autumn 2020 [Part II]) Winter is normally a time for using up the pumpkins from the …

Brainy gardeners
Article: Elizabeth Dangerfield (Canberra Organic – Autumn 2019) All gardeners know that gardening is good for your soul as well as your body; but did you know that gardening is …